Page last modified: 29 June 2024 22:22:41.

Website • Privacy Policy

Your security

The webmaster strives to protect all persons browsing this website. The web server is configured to automatically serve you with the secure version of this website only. As such, you should be able to see a padlock icon in your web browser address bar, and, notice that the address begins with https .

This website does not use cookies .

Links to other websites are provided in good faith. The webmaster cannot be held responsible for the content of other websites. Other websites should have their own privacy policy and might use cookies.

Protecting league members' identity

This website automatically restricts any individual's names published as a shortened version. For example: J Smith rather than John Smith. This is to protect their identity from persons not associated with the league. A shortened version might also be suffixed with an ID number on some pages.

ID numbers • Purpose

ID numbers are used to identify a player who may be eligible for an award: if a team has more than one player with the same shortened name - for example: "J Smith 1234" might represent John Smith, James Smith, Julie Smith, Jane Smith, etc., or, if a player's name has been withheld - for example: "--- 1234".

The league secretary or webmaster can look up the ID number and inform the committee of the player's complete name.

A player is automatically allocated a unique ID number by the system at the point of registration each new season. ID numbers cannot be changed or removed.

Legitimate reasons for publishing individual's names

Such individuals are required to be a registered member of the Clevedon & District Clubs Skittles League. As such: they would already be aware, and would reasonably expect, that their (shortened) name may be published on this website for the reasons given below:


To recognise and give praise/present award for something they have achieved - for example: highest away score in their division.

Team captains

To provide a means for other team captains/committee members to recognise them - for example: to arrange postponement of a match. Contact details will not be published on this website - this is to protect their privacy.

Committee members

To provide a means for team captains/players to recognise them - for example: to request a ruling on a disputed issue. Contact details will not be published on this website - this is to protect their privacy.

Can my name be corrected, amended, or withheld?


Yes, of course. Please advise your team captain to use the contact page to inform the webmaster. The webmaster shall action your request as soon as possible after verification.

If your name is corrected or amended: your team captain must remember to use your corrected or amended name when filling out a scorecard. Any name withheld will be published as "---" suffixed with an ID number. You do not have to provide a reason for your name to be corrected, amended or withheld.

Team captains

As above, except your name cannot be withheld. As a team captain, you should use the contact page to inform the webmaster directly. Verification will still apply.

Committee members

As above, except your name cannot be withheld. As a committee member, you should use the contact page to inform the webmaster directly. Verification will still apply.

Contact Page • Privacy Policy

How is my data used?

Any data submitted using the contact page will be emailed to the person you selected as a recipient - a committee member and/or the webmaster. You will receive a brief confirmation email (providing you submitted a correct and valid email address).

The recipient might pass the data to another committee member(s) and/or the webmaster, if the recipient decides that such person(s) are better suited to respond.

Note: The webmaster may receive a copy email of such data submitted for the purpose of monitoring that the system is: working as intended; being used for purpose(s) intended; protecting recipients from spam and/or abuse.

Your data will not be passed to any third parties, unless the webmaster/committee member(s) are required to do so by law - for example: by a court order.

This website will not add you to any mailing list.

Is my data stored?

This website does not store any data submitted. Instead, such data is processed by automated server-side scripting which converts and sends such data as an email to the recipient.

The webmaster or committee member delegated to respond, should action a response, and then delete such email from their personal device in due course.

Team Registration & Retention Pages • Privacy Policy

As stated for Contact Page except: [1] The recipient shall be the Secretary; [2] You will receive a detailed confirmation email; [3] The Secretary shall register your players into a separate and secure system. (Player details are not stored in this website).

The team registration & retention pages are for team captain's use only.


The statements on this web page are published in good faith. If you notice any information to be incorrect, ambiguous or missing, please use the contact page to inform the webmaster.

The webmaster reserves the right to amend the contents of this page without prior notification.